There are many types and variations of counseling, yet one consistent factor that remains vital to the process is therapeutic rapport-the connection between the client and therapist. Finding the right and best fit for you is one of the most significant decisions you will make throughout any type of counseling. I would like to share more with you about the lens I operate out of and if it resonates with you, please feel free to connect with me using the contact form.
What We

Individual Counseling
I have been practicing since 2015 and in my almost 10 years of experience, my approach is helping clients heal from within. Using Internal Family Systems, I help guide clients into and through their internal experience-thoughts, feelings, sensations in the body, belief systems, and their view and attachment to God. The experiences we have walked through, or possibly sometimes were just able to crawl, have created “parts” of us that work to help us manage life, whether through coping or numbing. For instance, maybe you identify as Type A and seek control through organization, or you may binge a show or scroll on your phone as an escape to what your body and mind might be saying.
The point is, we ALL have these parts of us, and they are GOOD. They are, most often, holding our lives together and as we become burnt out or excessive, other issues in life begin to arise…which may be why you’re seeking help.
My goal would be to walk alongside you, helping you to get to know your inner-workings, while also gently creating a pathway to access the parts of us that are likely more inaccessible. Such as, traumatic experiences, betrayals, attachment issues-wounds that we tend to bury as a means of coping and survival.
If you resonate with this, or possibly have a part on the inside softly whispering, “Yes, that’s me?”, this may just be the place for you. I can commit to providing a gentle and compassionate presence, as we explore you, together.
Population served: 15 years old and older
Couple's Counseling
Whether you’re seeking to strengthen/renew your relationship or you feel as if this may be the last shot for your relationship, or anywhere in between- couples counseling is a worthy investment.
Alisha aims to help couples identify the cycle of disconnection in their communication, intimacy, and reactions. Often couples find themselves hijacked by the same cycle, regardless of the content. By tracking your cycle, Alisha helps the couple gain a deeper understanding as to what is happening “below the surface”, for both you and your partner. Accessing the deeper layers to the disconnect, offers an opportunity to be vulnerable, promote intimacy, and make lasting repairs within the relationship.
Perhaps an attachment injury/rupture has already occurred within the relationship creating major distress and desperation.
Alisha’s approach seeks to provide genuine repair for the couple- through ownership, repentance, rebuilding of trust, and working to reestablish a loving, safe attachment for both partners.